September 25, 2020

The New Reality: A Guide to Marketing in a Post-COVID-19 World

“The world will never be the same again.”

This has been a common declaration throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, when someone hypothesizes about the global impact the crisis will have on society. We have heard time and time again about the “new normal,” and marketers should expect the same in their industry.

While it is easy to say marketing will be different, it is harder to determine exactly how it will be different.

How will a stay-home culture impact experiential marketing?

How has COVID-19 changed consumer perceptions of brand purpose? What will a permanently remote workflow look like for marketing teams? How will supply chains and fulfillment processes change in an industry where pandemic planning is now the norm?

All of these questions and more are answered by this critical new guide.

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Get the guide

Pulling insights from expert CMOs and data from a number of different research reports, this guide outlines some of the ways in which marketing has been permanently changed by COVID-19, exploring both the new habits consumers have developed while navigating the pandemic and the new processes marketing teams will have to adopt if they’re to be successful in a changed world.

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